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'While dealing with the coronavirus, agencies must strike a balance between taking swift, mission-focused actions and mitigating the potential for waste, fraud and abuse.'

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GrantCare is the solution for State and Local governments to manage grant-funded programs.


Notify grantees of funding

opportunities and accept applications.​


Workflows designed to automate and help manage the grant lifecycle​


Keep track of project progress, budget/grant allocation and spending


Cloud-based solution accessible anytime, any where.

GrantCare for holistic grant management

Bringing insight, technology and tools that provide the State with a 360°view of grantee performance. This will help mitigate risk, and save administrative time throughout the grant lifecycle.

Financial Management

Business process workflows ensure every program cost is recorded in the system in real-time, enabling program managers to make decisions and set expectations.

Communication Management

Use knowledge base and announcement board to keep everyone informed. Automated e-mail, SMS communication to grantees and constituents with specific program information, milestones, delivery schedules and overall progress.

Document Management

Documents are searchable at the program, applicant and work process level. System controls ensure applications do not move to the next phase without every required document.

Reporting Management

Microsoft offers an extremely capable and robust reporting tool, Power BI, enables you to create any report you need. Dynamics also allows configurable dashboards which offer great first glance indications of the health of the grant.

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GrantCare's simplified grant management process

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  • Easy-to-use Interface

  • Grantee Portal

  • System Logging / Audit

  • Role based user accounts

  • Configurable application forms

  • Tracks multiple programs within the same system

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Strong, reliable, flexible and easy-to-use recovery management programs.

Try GrantCare
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